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Everyone has much opportunity to share or and apply their ideas. So use the time as well as you can...!

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Everyone has much opportunity to share or and apply their ideas. So use the time as well as you can...!

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Everyone has much opportunity to share or and apply their ideas. So use the time as well as you can...!

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Everyone has much opportunity to share or and apply their ideas. So use the time as well as you can...!

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Everyone has much opportunity to share or and apply their ideas. So use the time as well as you can...!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

So is "Steam Coming to the Mac"

The news is a few hours old now: Valve recently distributed mock ads that, if anything else, implies that Steam will be available for Mac OS X.

Valve’s Steam is a popular online store for games. Customers browse the catalog of popular PC games—which includes recent hits like Modern Warfare 2 to DOS classics like Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis—through a browser or the Steam desktop client. Games are playable once paid for with a credit card or PayPal, and after the desktop client has downloaded the content. No need to keep a game disc in your optical drive, no need to jump through copy-protection hoops.

Throughout it’s entire existence, Steam has been Windows-exclusive. Linux enthusiasts have gotten some of the games to work on their favorite build, and of course Mac users get BootCamp to run Windows on their computers. But Valve’s lucrative gaming ecosystem has been officially a Windows PC project.

Bringing Steam to Mac OS X involves certain obstacles, from a development point of view. Most of the games available on the catalog don’t have a Mac version, especially older games that originally ran on DOS. But since Apple’s PCs use the same hardware as Windows PCs, I don’t think Valve will have too much trouble, especially if Apple has started taking Valve seriously. A good number of games already have Mac counterparts/work on a Mac anyway.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Why did Apple sue HTC ??

Yesterday, Apple sued HTC, alleging that the Taiwanese smartphone maker is violating 20 of Apple’s patents. Most of these patents are about the software, specifically the user interface. Highlights of these patents include diagrams detailing flick scrolling, and a swipe-to-answer feature.

No one doubts that the iPhone was the first gadget with these kind of gestures—or at least was the first device to popularize them (and for the US market at that). But Popular Science figures that Apple’s lawsuit is preparation for an eventual showdown with Google over its Android OS, another mobile platform that relies heavily on touch gesture controls.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Appropriating the Body as an Input Surface

What if you could turn your skin into a touch-interface? That’s the idea driving Skinput, a system that takes advantage of the vibrations generated when we tap our body. The prototype is accurate enough that different parts of the body can be turned into switches that control a variety of functions.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

iPad vs. Kindle – Which is Better?


            The iPad is Apple’s latest gadget release that has gadget geeks across the country salivating with excitement. For those contemplating between an iPad and a Kindle, here’s a look at iPad vs. Kindle and which one is better.

           The main advantage for the iPad is its flexibility. It can be used as an e-book reader like the Kindle but it does much more. You can surf on the web, you can listen to music like an iPod, you can download games and apps like an iPhone and you can watch video on the iPad. The iPad also has a bigger screen than the Kindle (9.7 inches to 6 inches).

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Nelson Mandela's Biografi

Rolihlahla Nelson Mandela (born in Mvezo, July 18, 1918, age 91 years) is known worldwide as freedom fighters through the activities of anti apartheidnya and later became President of South Africa. His childhood was spent in Thembu then begin a career in the legal field. He also had the honor of his clan name of Madiba.

orn in Mvezo, Transkei on July 18, 1918, then moved to Rolihlahla Mendela Qunu until the age of 9 years. He was the first of his family who followed the school. He also received Nelson's name from his teacher who was a Methodist. At the age of 16 years, he entered the Institute Boarding Clarkebury learn western culture.

BIn 1934, he began a program B.A. at Fort Hare University, where he met Oliver Tambo who becomes a friend and loyal colleague. After the university's policies and asked to leave. He moved to Johannesburg, and continued his studies at the University of South Africa after taking the law at the University of the Witswatersrand.

Monday, May 10, 2010

10 smartest animals in the world

This vast earth still has lots of mystery. From the vast expanse of land and a seemingly infinite ocean of God's creation, has yet to be explored fully by the most intelligent human beings in the universe.

No wonder the man appointed as the Caliph of the world by God to stay ahead of other creatures. To be an intelligent leader, of course, also created other intelligent creatures as a bookmark greatness of God, so that people do not act arbitrarily in the world and remain always menghamba the creator.

Here are 10 (ten) smartest animals on Earth can we know today: 

10. Portia Labiata (Spider hopper) 

These spiders inhabit many critical areas in mainland Africa, Asia, and Australia. This spider has been awarded from the scientists as the most intelligent insect in the world. Of the various kinds of research in the laboratory and directly observed in their habitat, these spiders show a very admirable thing. Scientists have tried all sorts to the simple cases of this spider to know how far he can solve the problem. Proved the spider can memorize the rhythm given to the scientists, even he can remember anything that selectively targets given.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Want to know if you belong to the criteria of people who are addicted to social networking?Consider just the following ..........

1. You talk or send messages if only briefly. This reflects that your mindset is very pervasive with Twitter that allow only send 140 characters in each message sent. 2. You are often fun to pinch alias 'poke' your friends or colleagues even more than just to go to the toilet.

3 places in the world of horror

1. Whitechapel / Spittalfields, London's East End, London, England.

The Whitechapel / London Spittalfields East region has been active since Roman times settled. Many historic buildings are built on the remnants of the old Roman settlement. East End area developed into a commercial area, mostly inhabited by Anglos and Jews. When the era of Queen Elizabeth this area is growing rapidly as the history of Shakespeare.

In the year 1888 in the Whitechapel area in London is the place where the most brutal murders ever recorded: the famous Jack the Ripper crimes. But the murder - and the identity of Jack - remain unknown, even today. Many assert that the killer was a doctor or somehow connected to the medical profession; others believe the killer was the grandson of Queen Victoria's and Prince Albert Victor, though not much support this theory.

Five women, all poor and prostitutes, has been cut by the mysterious Jack in the period just four months, collectively known as' The Autumn of Terror. " Four women - Mary Nicholls, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth stride, Catherine Eddowes - found in various streets and alleys throughout Whitechapel with body parts that creepy and sadistic. The fifth - Mary Kelly - was the only victim murdered in an interior location; not like the others he was killed in the most sadistic, death, death as something that comes from the slaughterhouse.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Letter From Bung Karno To Fidel Castro

Friendship Bung Karno (Indonesia) with Fidel Castro (Cuba), has established very good. Even in private, Bung Karno and Fidel Castro has some characters in common. Of all the characters, one of them is equally progressive and revolutionary spirit. Both the people left, people are socialists, anti Nekolim. Therefore, of course, they also become enemies or at least fear of United States and its allies.
After the tragedy Gestok (Movement One October) or by New Order called the 30 September Movement / PKI, there is quite an intense dialogue among Bung Karno and Castro, among others, through intermediaries Ambassador Hanafi, Sukarno confidant who became ambassador to Indonesia in Cuba. 

Guerrilla books written by Nasution became an international military reference

As the people of Indonesia, of course you're familiar with a general named Abdul Haris Nasution, the general who once led the division this Siliwangi's leading generals, including one owned by the Indonesian nation.
He is the man is strong, brave, full of spirit of nationalism, danmempunyai brilliant brain. One of
brilliance of his brain is evidence that one karanganya book entitled Strategy of Guerrilla Warfare, a reference book of military strategy for the unity of the soldiers in various countries. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Perbaiki Ingatan ANDA !!


SEBAGAI seorang pelajar, anda perlu mempunyai ingatan yang baik. Jika tidak, sukar bagi anda menjawab soalan peperiksaan ataupun ujian.
Bagi mengatasi masalah tersebut, saya mencadangkan beberapa perkara yang boleh anda ikuti sebagai panduan.
1. Pastikan kenapa anda perlu mengingati sesuatu dan coba arahkan. Kuasai dan fahami tuiuan serta sebab-sebab anda belajar.
Selalu ingatkan diri sendiri tujuan sebenar belajar dan yang penting sebabnya mestilah kuat dan jelas.
Daya penggerak ke arah ini boleh diperkuatkan lagi dengan:

MINAT— Setiap mata pelajaran mempunyai banyak aspek yang menarik dan ia hendaklah disimpan serta diingatkan di dalam fikiran anda perkara-perkara tersebut. — Setiap mata pelajaran mempunyai banyak aspek yang menarik dan ia hendaklah disimpan serta diingatkan di dalam fikiran anda perkara-perkara tersebut. — Setiap mata pelajaran mempunyai banyak aspek yang menarik dan ia hendaklah disimpan serta diingatkan di dalam fikiran anda perkara-perkara tersebut.
Secara tidak langsung boleh menggalakkan aktiviti pembelajaran seterusnya walaupun anda mungkin bertemu aspek yang mungkin tidak menarik pada mata pelajaran lain.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Penjelasan Ditindih Hantu

Pernahkah anda merasa seperti tertindih sesuatu yang sangat berat, dicekik, dada sesak, tak mampu bergerak maupun berteriak, saat menjelang atau bangun tidur? Dalam istilah kesehatan disebut sleep paralysis.

Ini merupakan kondisi ketika orang akan tidur atau bangun tidur merasa sesak napas seperti dicekik, dada sesak, badan sulit bergerak, berteriak pun tidak mampu. Kejadian ini biasanya disertai halusinasi, yaitu seperti melihat sosok di sekitar tempat tidur, dan dapat berlangsung dalam hitungan detik hingga menit.

Fenomena ini kerap dikaitkan dengan hal mistis. Sebab, bentuk halusinasi yang muncul bisa menyerupai sosok sahabat, kerabat yang telah meninggal, bayangan hitam, atau hantu, tergantung latar belakang kebudayaannya.

Di Barat, fenomena ini sering disebut mimpi buruk inkubus atau old hag berdasarkan bentuk bayangan yang muncul. Ada pula yang melaporkan melihat agen rahasia asing atau alien. Pada banyak lukisan abad pertengahan dapat kita lihat sosok roh jahat menduduki dada seorang perempuan, sehingga ia dalam ketakutannya merasa sulit bernapas.

Malafungsi tidur

"Tindihan paling sering terjadi pada orang yang kurang tidur. Bisa juga dipicu oleh kelelahan, stres, cemas berlebihan," kata Dr. Andreas Prasadja, RPSGT, sleep technologist dari Sleep Disorder Clinic, RS Mitra Kemayoran.

Seorang peneliti sleep paralysis, Al Cheyne dari University of Waterloo berpendapat, sleep paralysis adalah sejenis halusinasi karena adanya malafungsi tidur dari tahap rapid eye movement (REM).

Dijelaskan Dr. Andreas, tidur dibagi menjadi beberapa tahap berdasarkan gelombang otak, yaitu tahap N1, N2, N3, dan R. Urutan tidur biasanya dimulai dari N1-N2-N3-kembali ke N2-R-kembali ke N2-N3-kembali ke N2-R-kembali ke N2-N3 dan seterusnya.

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