Dou you know that an animal has a helm on its body ?
Here I will try to tell you about a caterpillar has a helm.
During this time, we knew that no animal has helm on its head. This inovation was the first what I looked. I saw it In my experience when I went home to my friend.
My friend had a garden near his house. In the garden there was a tree. It was fruit tree. Well, when I stood under tree suddenly a something fell from the tree. First I think it is just little durt. But Iam wrong. In the fact that was a caterpillar who had a helm on its head.
Here I will try to tell you about a caterpillar has a helm.
During this time, we knew that no animal has helm on its head. This inovation was the first what I looked. I saw it In my experience when I went home to my friend.
My friend had a garden near his house. In the garden there was a tree. It was fruit tree. Well, when I stood under tree suddenly a something fell from the tree. First I think it is just little durt. But Iam wrong. In the fact that was a caterpillar who had a helm on its head.