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Everyone has much opportunity to share or and apply their ideas. So use the time as well as you can...!

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Everyone has much opportunity to share or and apply their ideas. So use the time as well as you can...!

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Everyone has much opportunity to share or and apply their ideas. So use the time as well as you can...!

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Everyone has much opportunity to share or and apply their ideas. So use the time as well as you can...!

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Everyone has much opportunity to share or and apply their ideas. So use the time as well as you can...!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Caterpillar has a helm

Dou you know that an animal has a helm on its body ?

Here I will try to tell you about a caterpillar has a helm.

During this time, we knew that no animal has helm on its head. This inovation was the first what I looked. I saw it In my experience when I went home to my friend.

My friend had a garden near his house. In the garden there was a tree. It was fruit tree. Well, when I stood under tree suddenly a something fell from the tree. First I think it is just little durt. But Iam wrong. In the fact that was a caterpillar who had a helm on its head.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

10 Best songs of century 20

10 Best songs of century 20

 Century 20 is best century for music. According to my opinion?sight many historic songs and ber-identity as best song during the time and almost its(the  60 % is created in century 20. many best musicianses during the time bearing in this century, honestly just I tell in century 21 there are a few degradations of best pertained songs music quality during the time can pertained a few only 5 its(the gratuity is just for example cry me a river - Justine timberlake, I'm outta time - Oasis or welcome to black parade - My chemical romance.

This are best songs of that :

Monday, June 21, 2010

Folder lock in Windows Explorer

Do you know folder lock in windows explorer ?
One of them is to make icon folder will be locked....
This is the way :
1. Select, chooses folder which will be locked.
2. Right click, select, chooses rename or turn F2.

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