Thursday, August 19, 2010


Ballet roots at event of meeting of the Italian patricians in clarification. Hereinafter, ballet developed in ballet de cour, that is social rumba done with music, oration, poem, hymn, dekor, and costume by the French patricians. Ballet then grows as separate art notching in Prancis during goverment of king Louis XIV a real loves dance art and intends to move forward quality of dance art during the period. The king builds Académie Royale de Danse in the year 1661, and in the same year, masterpiece comedy ballet Jean-Baptist Lully is presented. Form of initial ballet in the form of an podium art where its(the scenes is dance. Lully then deepens opera ballet and builds school to educate professional ballet dancer relating to Académie Royale de Musique. In the school, its(the education system based on patrician order.

Century on-19 is period where many happened social change. This change also mirror in ballet, is shifting far from a real art notching patrician ( Ballet romantik). Ballerina like Marie Taglioni danFanny Elssler blazes the way new technique in the form of pointe work causing the role of ballerina ( woman ballet dancer) becomes of vital importance onstage. Meanwhile, the professional librettist started enters story in ballet, and ballet teacher like Carlo Blasis codification of ballet technique causing becomes base technique which still be applied until now. Ballet experiences degradation of pamour after 1850 in most occidental state besides Denmark and Russia. Russia ballet gallery, especially after World War II, many doing tur travel around the world causing takes care of ballet to linger in world and many recognized by public


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