Thursday, May 13, 2010

iPad vs. Kindle – Which is Better?


            The iPad is Apple’s latest gadget release that has gadget geeks across the country salivating with excitement. For those contemplating between an iPad and a Kindle, here’s a look at iPad vs. Kindle and which one is better.

           The main advantage for the iPad is its flexibility. It can be used as an e-book reader like the Kindle but it does much more. You can surf on the web, you can listen to music like an iPod, you can download games and apps like an iPhone and you can watch video on the iPad. The iPad also has a bigger screen than the Kindle (9.7 inches to 6 inches).

           As for the Kindle, it has its advantages. First of all, the Kindle is about half the price of the iPad. The Kindle also weighs less, its battery lasts longer and its screen is better suited for reading e-books. The Kindle also makes it much easier to download e-books than the iPad.

           So what do you think? Does the iPad have enough features that it really tops the Kindle? Or should we weight for the next edition of the iPad to come out before we judge?


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