Monday, September 20, 2010


BALLET is name from one of dance technique. Dance masterpiece choreography applies this technique named ballet, and covers: itself dance, mime, acting, and music ( either orchestra music and or hymn). Ballet can be presented x'self or as part of an opera. Famous ballet with its(the virtuoso technique like pointe work, grand fit de deux, and lifts high foot/feet. Ballet technique a lot looks like technique to budget, perhaps because both strarting grows in the same period, as well as because both requiring balance technique and movement is looking like.

Term ballo first time applied by Domenico da Piacenza ( in De Arte Saltandi et Choreas Ducendi), so that the masterpiece known as balleti or balli which then becomes ballet. Term ballet itself triggered by Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx in Ballet Comique de lanthanum Royne ( 1581) which is ballet comique ( drama ballet). In the same year, Fabritio Caroso publishs Il Ballarino, that is technical guidance about ballet, what makes Italian to become central mainness growed it ballet.


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